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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Special Circumstances

Special Circumstances

Wal-Mart is certainly a soul-less company, but the front end—where I work—is strewn with young women. I enjoy spending my time working with this one girl who’s name is Amber, but she’s too big---no not in the terms of fat, just like 5 foot 8 (too tall for me, I like them little). She has really nice teeth, a great ass, and I think she might be interested in me, on that subtle puppy love plateau of human affection. She’s also only 19. Now I’ve done crazy shit in the past, and although I look young, I definitely don’t understand the mind of a nineteen year old. There is however a new girl that started a couple weeks ago. Her name is Kim, she’s asian! that shit just gets me excited just saying that word. I’ve never been with an asian girl before. She was a door greeter. I’m not sure how they pick the cashiers from the door greeter, but she certainly was smarter than most of these girls will ever dream to be. One day, I was curious….and she always smiled at me…really pretty….anyway, I asked her how old she was. Honestly, I was under the impression that she was about 17 or so, for that reason, she was made a door greeter.
She said, “I’m 21.”
“No shit,” I said in complete disbelief. “So what do you do for fun?” Now, I was getting interested.
“I like to read and play games with my roommates.”
“So you have some roommates.” At this point my heart was racing. Not of embarrassment, I’ve always have had an easy time talking to women; but of the fact that my libido was running out of control. Roomates, Damn, niggs, maybe I in for a treat.”
“Yeah, four.” I noticed her speech was plain old American. That was making me even more excited because there wouldn’t be any of those cultural differences between us.
“I would really like to know a little more about you.”
“Yeah,” I said.
“Ok, let’s go get some coffee or tea?”
“When?” I said, hopefully receiving a “right now”! sort of response, but rather she just said, “anytime.”
“Well, that leaves allot of time, how about tomorrow at ten?”
“I work till ten.”
“Ok, like 11:30, have to go home and take a shower,”
Just the image of her naked body, water running down her small breasts made me even more excited, plus. I knew that she was clean. “Ok, where do you live? I have a hard time with direction.”
“Oh, I live in the apartments behind Wal-Mart.”
“Awesome,” and I took her hand, kissed it—as though I was an aristocrat (Hey, you can never go wrong with that.
“See you then.” and as I walked out the door, her face, that smile, those breasts, stuck in my mind for the entire ride home.

Then next day was rather uneventful, aside from the drunk guy getting arrested at register 16, the cops apparently were after him for a few days now. And that retarded dude throwing a fit. Nothing much happened. But the night was going to get better, much, better.
Nine o’clock came around much too slowly. Way too slowly. When it did, I quickly punched out, walked towards Kim, put my arm around her as I walked out the door and told her “We’ll have fun tonight.”
“Great,” she said.
One the way home I listened to REM’s Living Well is the Best Revenge,

All you sad and lost apostles
Hum my name and flair their nostrils
Choking on the bones you’ve tossed for them….

Strange, I could never completely figure out what he was talking about. Possible, quite possibly, the Bush administration. Just to think, most of these eighteen year old girls, remember nothing but the Bush administration’s horrible grip of lies and deception. Horrible, actually. Well, at least this girl would remember Clinton,”
When pulled into my drive way, I was careful not to hit the cat. I walked to my bedroom and changed into something a bit more fashionable, although I’m unaware of most of that jive, as I do spend much of the time writing and reading now. No, I don’t even take drugs no more. Boring.
I washed my face, did my teeth, and changed my pants. Then I looked in the mirror and saw what appeared to be a normal looking guy—perhaps too normal, but that is good for the drug bizz, ya know—who, looked he was twenty five, at the most. Maybe I am a bit too old for this girl, but what the hell. I still feel like I got one more young one in me. Crystal could wait.
Then I got in my car, and drove over to Wal-Mart, again. Honestly, that is a nice drive from my place to there, about twenty five minutes or more. I threw in some Nirvana, Christ I was getting old, I thought, Nirvana, REM, old shit. Good memories though, and that was a sign I was creeping up in years, just having enjoyable memories of eras of your life, no, not just periods, but decades.
I found her apartment quickly, knowing just where I was heading: to her pussy.
When I walked to her apartment, I just had this little alien that comes to me whenever there is a good chance of me getting my dick wet. He came and said, ‘hello,’ then he went away. Good visions, I suppose. Then I knocked on her door. She answered in the most flattering dress, her legs, perfect, everything, perfect. And her face was inexplicably beyond perfect. Hardly any make up, just a little black eyeliner, something of which I’m a fan of. Anyway, she was really nice looking. Then she asked,
“Where would you like to take me to eat?” Oh shit, I thought, I was under the impression that we were only going to Denny’s or something. I needed a miracle here.
“Um, ok…let’s go,” I said, startled and financially troubled by this.
Then we got in my car. She liked how it was a mess, she liked messy guys she said, then giggled. “Let me just look at you for a moment,” I was stunned, “You are the most beautiful girl that’s ever been in my car, well, cars because I wrecked a couple of them.”
Then I could take no more, I pulled her gently nearer, and kissed her with my best kiss I have ever offered. Seemed to work, as she pulled me nearer, nearer, until my chest was against her breasts, then she felt my cock, and I put a hand a finger inside her and everything went from there.
We had great sex in the car, it was wonderful. It wasn’t perfect given the situation, that is, it is my car and everything. But it was surely near. Dreamy. After we lay there in relaxation,
I turned to her and asked her, “So you want to play some games with your roommates.”
“Yeah, you like scrabble. I’m kind of a nerd, hee hee.”
“Yeah, so am I,” I admitted, not pleasurably, just in honest. But I’m kind of wild, at times, let her figure that out, though.
So we walked inside, and I was greeted by a couple of, honestly, mirrored image girls of Kim, except the one in the back had bigger tits. Damn, I think I finally did take to many drugs, I’m dead, this must be Heaven! “Hello, my name is Stan, how are all of you?”
“Great, we are kind of hungry so I think we’re going to Zola down town.”
“Zola?” I asked, now getting angry at these rich girls; just the fact that they’d so much money. Not really at them. You know what I mean.
“Yeah, so you guys…..”
I interrupted, “ “all of you”, or better “each of you.”
“Sorry, what are you an English major?”
“Was, now I’m a wash up fiction writer who can’t get his game back, or perhaps can’t acquire the correct experiences, or maybe needs to be off drugs for a while..or…”
“Drugs?” Kim turned me to face her.
“I don’t do drugs, I’m going to Narcotics Anonymous now.”
“Good, now never talk about that again, my brother died from doing too much speed.”
“Oh, sorry to hear that,” I said. With actual sympathy. I liked this girl, “it” was happening.
Her roommates were a bit astonished, but they were also into the English major thing.
The both chimed, “English? Hmmmm….”
“Yeah, I loved the program. I’m graduated now, been for a long time.”
Then the fatal blow: “How old are you?” the one asked.
“I’m 31” I said
“Holy shit! You’re old! But that is kind of cool though. I’m twenty three and she’s twenty four. Kim…heehe..heee..” the one with the big tits said,”…… pointing at Kim is only 21! That’s funny, Her going out with a 30 year old.”
“Oh, come on Shelly, let’s go,” the one girl with the big tits said to her roommate.
“Ok,” and they both trotted out of the apartment, leaving Kim and I awkwardly alone.
“Well,,,wasn’t that nice,” I said.
She frowned and threw herself down on the couch, “Come over here. Let me lay on you. you feel so good to me. How many girls have you been with?”
“About two,” I said.
“Well, that’s pretty cool. I’ve been with four now. Do you think I’m a slut?”
“Of course not,” now emitting a sigh of relief, knowing I had a fresh subject.
“Let’s do that again!” She stood up, like she was a cheerleader, this was getting ridiculous, I thought. Then I grabbed her by the legs (she was very tiny) and put her on top of me. I took her top off, then she said, “Awe..hell with this dress, Let’ s just get naked. So we did. It was great, since I’m skinny again, and damn did she looked awesome. She looked like this porn star named “Kitty,” except with big tits. I fucked her with all I had, every inch penetrating her vagina. No I didn’t use a condom, pretty much because I know how to pull out in time. This time when we were finished, and damn did it take a while, I wanted to get all of that imprinted on my sexual wall of fame. Jot that one on the top of the pyramidal design I’ve crafted nicely inside my left-frontal cortex.
“Holy shit!” I shouted
“Yeah, wow,” She responded, both of us breathing heavily.
Then there was a knock on the door. A heavy, deep knock. “Ok, it’s cool, I’ll find my shorts, here here they are!”
All this while I found all my clothes and put them on super-quickly, my shirt was still inside out.
When she opened the door, it was a middle aged man, with a curiously manicured mustache who apparently went by the name, ‘Officer Spicer.’ Something that I’ll never forget.
“Hello, folks, I’m officer Spicer of the State College Police Department. I’m trained to deal with cases like yours. Now, there’s been suspect all along that you, Mr. Ellenberger have been dealin’ the white shit.
“What?!” I said, astonished that he would bring up my prior life in front of this girl. And, outraged because I’ve been off that shit for three years now. “You know that I’ve been clean.”
“Well, that’s not what we found in your car. With a flashlight, of course, we wouldn’t want to be doin’ no trespassin’ or nothing.
“What’s going on?” Kim said, shuffling over, “Hey you are that guy that’s been comin into Wal-Mart all the time…..”
“Silence little one!” he said, putting up his hand in front of Kim’s face.
I was beginning to get a little suspicious. “What the hell is going on here, this is a little odd.”
“No, buddy, it’s you who are a little odd. Did you tell your little friend about your trip to the mental ward like what now eight times?”
I remained silent.
“OK, Stan, let’s go, down to the station. And you, Miss. Kim, should come along too, you’ve had a good part in this as well, as you’ve been so close to this man for a while, maybe you do know something that we don’t.
“Ok, Spicer,” I said.
“That’s Officer Spicer,” he corrected me, playing with his mustache.

So, we both got into his car and headed down to the station. He kept smoking cigarettes and throwing them out the window. “See, just like in NA, huh, Stan? I’m depositing of my cigarettes in a spiritual manner. Did you tell the little miss about your NA meetings?”
“Maybe, or maybe not. Why does that matter?”
“Just thought that it might make a difference in her decision process if she knew who she was dealing with, Mr. Pyshco. Ha, ha, ha.”
I was getting pissed off now, “Ok, Spicer, fuck you and fuck your purple police car……..”
“That’s Royal Blue.”
“Whatever, it looks purple to me.”
“I think it’s pretty.” Kim said.
Officer Spicer smiled, as he looked back at Kim, sitting there, her legs crossed, and her hair was strewn all over the place. Before ten minutes elapsed, Spicer was good at disobeying the speed limit, we were at the station.
“Here we are, now let’s go inside,” Spicer said.
“Alrighty,” I said, having nothing to feel guilty about, or so I thought.
“Fine, Mr. Spicy.”
“Spicer,” he said.
So we went inside his office, which was curiously connected to the rest of the building, but no visible entrances or exits from his office into the main building. It was if he was running a little business all to his own. Well, I was about to find that out, really soon.
When we went inside, Spicer had a stack of cash on his desk. He walked over and picked it up, twenty thousand big ones, and ten more if she cooperates.
“What are you talking about,” Kim said.
Well, Miss Kim, I run a little porn business on the side here, and you are so fucking pretty that I want to have you for a while. Maybe a month or two. I’ll pay you some big bucks too, like ten thousand, that is, if your partner keeps his mouth shut. This sounds, um…illegal, but I’m the one that enforces the law, Spicer’s law. Spicer put on some Michael Jackson, and opened the door to reveal six other young girls, some asian, some black, some white. And a couple of teenage boys.
“I know what you are thinking Stan, you want to be in this, well, you can’t you are too old.”
“No, it’s not that at all, this is illegal. You’d better have some real cash, bud.”
“Oh, about that, well, watch this video,” he said, as he put his leg up on his desk and put on a DVD. What came on the screen was unbelievable. It was me, with a couple of dudes from college buying heroin, then the shot went to one of my buddies living rooms where we were doing lines of oxy’s.
“What the fuck?!” I was perplexed.
Spicer coughed as he lit up another Pal Mal, “That’s you. Yeah, like last month. You have your slip ups, right? Well, that would be all exposed. And who do you think they’ll believe, you and your druggy friends, or an established police officer?”
“Ok, so what should I do?”
“Well, you should report to the papers that Kim went missing sometime after you had dinner. You went to Denny’s, and she came outside to use her cell phone, and when you came out, she was gone. Simple. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Nooooo! Kim said, as Spicer took out a “sedative,” most likely heroin, and shot her in the ass. Then she was feeling so good, she tried to suck Spicer’s cock immediately.
“Ooooh..Kimmy, just wait a few minutes while your friend here leaves.”
“Shake my hand.” Spicer requested.
“Oh, alright, and how about some of your cocaine?”
“Here, have an eight ball. And I thought you were going to stay clean?”
“Well, there are always special circumstances, right?”
“Sure are,” he said, and we both shared a laugh.

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