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Monday, January 31, 2011


Breaking waves of painful cognizance,
And the infinite breathing in and out,
Closes her animal’s eyes, pushing from
Behind her lids like sledge hammered love
Into her vision where all is blurry, all is so
Lucidly confusing, and the only thing that
Keeps her from folding, giving in, is her
Rapturous passion for this life, and if
Existence is a masquerading ball, then
She always forgets when to kiss goodbye
And leave.

The lugubrious river of syrup-delusions,
Pours over the sedatives fusing each
Chemical vice with the appropriate helter-skelter
Mechanisms of quantum theory, as if she
Exists in a universe right next door, a duality
Of being, but this painful throbbing in her
Sea-swimming head, keeps her from making
That leap of faith to another philosophy,
And the bending ocean of thought
Compares to nothing aside from wine
Through her veins.

Take away these strains of solitude,
For there isn’t a hundred years to
Giver her hope for facing the daunting
Future, which is cloudy as her visions
Of lust and passion.

She can’t find a way home,
And her mind quivers in a tunneled communication
With the Other Side,
Where she knows everyone’s name.
Congratulate her as she takes a knife to her vein
Slicing them, but it is not warm blood,
But cold water that bleeds on the floor,
Liquid from her imaginary body of an anguished lake.

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