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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Analogous Parallels Between AA and NA

Although NA and AA, at first glance, may seem like very different programs, and appear to be filled with more diversities than similarities, they are actually analogous in methodology, and produce the same results in the attendees. AA was the first of many twelve step programs, which include:  Cocaine Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous, Pills Anonymous and Marijuana Anonymous. Behavioral issues such as compulsion for, and/or addiction to, gambling, crime, food, sex, hoarding, debting and work are addressed in fellowships such as Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Sexual Compulsives Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous.  Its effectiveness in treating alcoholism was so profoundly positive in the producing wellbeing in the suffering alcoholics, its principles were applied to the treatment of drug addicts, and miraculously, similar results were observed. The twelve step model for treating addiction and compulsion, are: Admitting one cannot control their addiction or compulsion, acknowledging the existence of a higher power that will give strength, examining past errors (with the help of a sponsor, or experienced member of the twelve step progam, making amends for these past errors or shortcomings, learning to apply a new code of morality to one’s behavior, helping others who suffer from same addictions, and lastly, spreading the message that has been learned through experience in the program.  Alcohol is a drug, in fact, it is one of the most nefarious substances known to man, and most people who experience the wrath of addiction, also had difficulties with alcohol. And, there are rarely any ‘pure’ alcoholics, or people who abuse solely alcohol. Most people who drink, also dabbled in other various powders and false elixirs. The same goes for drug addicts, in that the majority of the drug addicts have also drank alcohol to an excess. In my experience, alcohol was my “gateway” drug, which decreased my inhibitions and left me susceptible to trying other substances. And, like many alcoholics, for me, it started with alcohol, and ended with alcohol. All twelve step programs stress the application of altruistic behavior, or complete “selflessness,” which not only helps others, but also the sufferer of the compulsion or addiction remove them of their former selves, and give them new perspective, and awareness of their own higher purpose. If you are having difficulties finding parallels between your addiction problems, and the ideology expressed in the rooms of AA, simply, it is best to understand that both programs are essentially the same, although AA tends to stress the importance of God, which has been modified to best suit today’s audience who may have a difficult time grasping that there may in fact be, a superior force beyond them, that if completely surrendered to, offers salvation, and strength unimaginable during the days of smoking pot and shooting poison into their veins.

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