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Monday, November 15, 2010


---by Stan Flannery

Gerald S. loved to bathe in his own shit. Absolutely loved it. Couldn’t wait to get home from working at I.V. Lumber and soak in his own feces. It was the greatest feeling in the world, for Gerald, as he took pride in not only enjoying the feeling, but spreading the word that this element of pleasure should and will be taken into modern fashion by the year 2020, when the world would generally be filled with the crap anyway; why not soak your mortal remains in what the world was to become? Some kind of synesthesia, he presumed. Yet it was more than mere fashion. Gerald S. used to fantasize about the shit coming out of his teacher’s assholes in gradeschool. He could actually see the crap coming out of Ms. Lewinskie’s butt. It was that kind of shit, not too solid, but not too soft, just the right amount of density to create perfect cylindrical globs of dung, which would—in his imagination—dribble down her long Polish legs, collecting at her feet where it would collect dust particles from the chalk board, all the while, she would be going over the lesson plan in routine fashion: writing, asking questions, and sometimes pointing to Gerald, who usually knew the right answer to the questions. These fantasies of shit didn’t always keep him off his toes. But the shit collecting at Ms. Lewinskie’s feet smelled, actually reeked of some form of salmon she’d eaten for early lunch alongside with some ice-cream. Perfect imaginary world for Gerald, and he wasn’t about to let anyone know about his fantasies, although sometimes when he was five he had nice experiences with his sister; a good example being after he came home from school one day

It was around the year 1984, and Gerald had already started first-grade. He came home from school one day, and headed to the toilet because he had to take a major shit. He threw down his heavy bookbag and headed towards the pot. As he opened the door, he found his little sister, Maggie, of the tender age of 4, taking a dump.

“Hey, big brother, whacha doin? Do you want to see what a big turd I’ve just poopied?”

He studied his environment, knowing, in someway, somehow, this was a day of Change; the day of transformation as to what he was to become in life. He looked at his mirror reflecting back a boy of average height, and of average build. He looked at his bathtub. Somehow a perfect place to play, somehow, but he just didn’t know why. He didn’t know why he was attracted to his bathtub in such a way. One of those ways like a dog, he wished to go to the side of it and start to rub his cock against the side of the porcelain. And then he turned his curious eyes towards his sister. She was squatted. He could see the little bun shape of her vulva, and the way it was spread just a bit so that he could see pink—beautiful shade of pink. He loved it, just loved looking at her pussy. Always had, and it isn’t like he didn’t have other opportunities, it was just now, this instant that he was starting to feel very sexual. But it wasn’t really her body that he was interested in primarily; it was what was coming out of it. Shit. Brown shit.

“Yes!” He said enthusiastically. “I want to see your poop!”

“Here you go…..lookie, big this time, huh?”


“I still got some more, here we go….rrrrr.rr.r….plop!” Yet another log of dung came out of her asshole.

“Ok, I want to smell it.”

“Smells good, huh?” she asked curiously, as if awaiting a judgment.

Gerald S. smelled the crap. He actually had to blow his nose so that he could smell the full spectrum of aromas from the fecal matter. Kind of like a coke head. Just want all of that white shit way up there, no blockage. So he sniffed, and he sniffed, and he smelled some more. Damn, did it smell good.

“Mags, your poopie smells GREAT!”

“Aw, thanks bro. Maybe I can smell your’s now?”

“Well, first,” he said, “I’d just like to um…..don’t tell anyone, not mom, not dad, not Amy, Brian or the busdriver…I’d like to taste it. Just have a few licks. I’ve tasted my own before, but never a girl’s.”

“Well…hmmm…give me somethin.”

“What do you want, to play that game we played last week where I tickle your ‘you know’.”

“Sure, sounds good, but first let me smell your shit.”

Gerald said, “fine, “and quickly grabbed a log of shit, which was turning into a wet blob of corn and gum she’d swallowed. Then he took a big bite of it. It went all over his face. Inside his nostrils; between his teeth, all around his cheeks. “MMMMmmmmm” he moaned. Then he realized like what a pervert he was acting like, although there was no word for that in his vocabulary, it was akin to touching a grown ups thingy.

“Taste good!?” she exclaimed with confidence knowing that of course her crap tasted good, she was a princess after all.

“Oh yeah.”

“My turn.”

“Ok, let me take off my pants and poop.”


So Gerald S. took off his short pants and took a crap an adult scatologist would be proud of. “There you go Sis, do you want to taste it.”

“Nah, I just want to lookie. Looks like mine. Yeah, bet Dad don’t shit like that.”

“’Doesn’t’” he corrected her. “I doubt it as well. Now let me take a taste of my own poop.”


And so Gerald ate some of his own shit and then he said to his sister, “Ok, ready for us to play vachinacology?”

“Yeah! Yeah! I love getter “her” played with,” her of course being her vagina which she named Gabby, just because she thought she could talk out of her cunt.

“Ok, then,” Gerald said, pulling her out of the bathroom and shutting the door, locking it, and then went over to the toilet an took one more bite of his crap. “MMMM…..Wow! Be right there Mags!”

“Are you eating MORE poop?”

“Just a bit, now I got to wash my hands.”

“Forget it. I like it dirty,” learning so quickly at such a young age to be a slut.

“Well, ok then,” and out he came, shit hanging from his lip and his hair. “Let’s perform surgery, now get on the bed and lay down.”

“Yes doc.”

“Now spread your legs.”

“Yes doc.”

“Now let me stick my finger right up here…yeah…like this….you are wet, you know, like the toilet.”

She smiled and patted his head, thinking that was a compliment. “Thank you.”

“No problem. Now tell me if you feel this,” he said, as he moved his fingers around in a counter-clockwise fashion, pressed them in as deep as they would go, then slowly, with the juice produced by the inner “cave” he called it, massaged the outside pieces, quickly flicking the ‘little man sailing in his boat, ‘ with his thumb. She moaned and moaned, until, with a violent shock, it seemed, she convulsed a few times, her eyes going back inside her head so that you could only see the whites, and then relaxed, and sighed, “AAAAAAAAAAhhhh….you are so good at that doctor, so good at that….and we can do this any time of the week.”

“Yes, we can, but I think that dad and mom are coming back from getting groceries.”

She played with his hair and licked his fingers. “Wow, I taste so good. Next time, I want to suck your pee-pee.”

“I wish you would NOW, but we should wait until tomorrow, or how about tonight? That would be fun, just sneak over to my room around um….midnight, and don’t fall asleep, then you can suck my pee-pee, and you can play with my ball sack.”

“Ok, let’s go watch TV.”

“Alright, but first, Sis, I think you are bleeding?”


“Down there,” Gerald said pointing towards her pants. “In the crotch area, maybe you should change your pants and soak that up. I’m sorry, I think I played with Ginna too roughly.”

“Oh, no problem, happens all the time. I lost my virginity on a jungle gym you know?”

Gerald was perplexed, “What is that?”

“You’ll find out…hee..heee..just what mom told me. Said no to tell anyone, that it is a secret only for girls to know.”

“But please, I’m your brother.”

“Ok, there is this part in Gabby, which protects the back part of her, and when she gets broken, or something like that, um..she bleeds. So I’ve bleeded down there before.”

“Oh, ok.”

Then she took off her pants to reveal panties that were soaked with blood. “What should I tell them?”

“Well, first shouldn’t you soak up that blood?”

“It’ll stop by itself. Maybe you’d like to taste it?” she asked nicely offering her vaginal blood to her brother.

“Sure, “ so he tasted it, “MM…good, but not as good as your poop. Not as good as your poop………………………….

Yes it was these experiences that gave Gerald a boost into the underworld of scatology. His childhood had been far from “normal,” although it wasn’t as fucked up as you would think. There are some very, very fucked up families out there, much more so than shit eating Gerald and his sister. But, anyway, Gerald S. got back from I.V. Lumber, threw down his jacket, put his wallet on the nightstand of his one room apartment, turned on the stereo and played some Michael Macdonald. He sat down on his recliner and sat there for fifteen minutes almost falling asleep, and then, “You Keep Forgetin” came out of the stereo, and he almost forgot, it was time to get deep in shit. Not the place he had sunk into at work, as he was soon to get fired for carrying around flyers of horrible coprolalia-influenced material, promoting drinking urine, eating shit, and all of a sexual nature, with obscene pictures and all sorts of visual unnatural acts, alongside descriptions of how to “get the job done,” as Gerald described it, and yes, now he was about to do just that.

So, he got up off his ass and walked over to the closet where there were plastic bag upon bag of different varieties of shit. Even ages, as if it were like wine. The soft variety was catalogued on the left side of the closet, and the right side was filled with solid matter. He had to eat just the right thing to produce solid shit, allot of fiber, since he was on medication that didn’t allow that.

He grabbed, softly now, the bags marked January 1999, the old shit. There were some that were of watery variety, but mostly hard. He deserved it. So he walked over to the microwave and carefully heated each bag just a bit. Then over to the bathtub he went, he turned on the faucet to hot, and drew just a small amount of water. Tonight he was going to be taking an 80% pure shit soak. Then he poured the shit into the tub, took off his clothes, revealing a rather decent looking 33 year old’s body, from liftin’ wood, he supposed. Then he stepped into the tub. It was hot. “Damn! That shit is hot!” He yelled.

So he removed is foot, noticing that it was covered in ancient corn and what appeared to be ground beef, but who knows by now, it was also covered in bacteria. The bags were sealed and a preservative was added, but that never kept the bacteria from slowly seeping in. Damn. But, he scrapped some off of his foot, and, “mmmmmm, that’s good!” He exclaimed.

He waited a while, and decided to go to the computer and watch some porno. He chose to watch an obscure porn star from Hungry, named Jo, or Monica Sweetheart . She was nice looking. Kind of over par, not as much as some of the pre-teen porno he found the other day, on sites with no Trojans at all. After he sprayed his load all over himself, he went to the water, got in laid down, closed his eyes, and day dreamed of a time when he would find another girl like his little sister way back when, who still shared the same desire to play, eat, and suck the shit out of his asshole.

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