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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welfare Fraud

A few days ago, when I was cleaning my front porch, which is part of my recovery house chore regimen, I found an EBT food-stamp receipt, which stated that someone had purchased a half liter bottle of orange juice for seven ninety nine. Wow, I thought, good to see that the state funded welfare program are allowing for such a luxurious lifestyle. This infuriated me, given that I do not receive food stamps or any other type of state funded assistance. I used to, but then under the threat of being reported for welfare fraud, I immediately reported to the assistance office that I was making fourteen hundred a month and no longer needed food stamp benefits.
                Then the other day, when I was riding home from work on the bus, a girl was covering her nose, and making snotty comments regarding the way that I smelled. I work at a restaurant, and come home every day smelling like a French fry. She was drinking a small container of orange juice. I wanted to say, “Hey, you see that orange juice that you are drinking?  Well you should take a good whiff of this grease, because if It wasn’t for me and the way that I smell, you would not have your orange juice, because I am unequivocally certain that you bought that with your food stamps, or your SSDI money.” But, I resisted, instead I just minded my own business, and sat in extreme irritation.
                It is this kind of ignorance that bothers me: people who think that they are entitled to something, when the rest of us have to work and provide for ourselves. So the next time you sit next to someone on the bus when they smell like they have been swimming in a deep fryer for eight hours, just be aware that if it wasn’t for them, the welfare programs wouldn’t be available for all the lazy individuals who don’t want to work for a living.

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