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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday, bloody Sunday

I have seen them come out of the walls at night, clawing for me to give them what they need, but as I think of all the things that give light in this world, those creatures disappear into the labyrinthine world they come from-for everything that is simple brings me back to you, to see that glimmering beacon of hope that I hold on to while they attack me, tempt me, feed off me and all the crap that I generate, for what else but to satisfy the angry gods above. Not that it really matters anyway, I still get high if I want, and do anything I want, cause I can, and no matter what happens to me out there, the darkness can never penetrate my soul, which is glowing, radiating in the fragments of creation swirling around in the widening gyre, spinning until the falcon cannot hear the falconer, and the center falls apart. The Days End before the blinking Eye of Providence, that weeps watching His children breaking apart in the cyclone of history, that cannot hold anymore. Anger of centuries beckon in the whirlpool, and all around indignant desert birds show no emotion, completely indifferent to any plights or pleads for mercy. Then across the sky comes a glowing ball of light….. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Grandiose day, but who cares, I deserve it.

Across the sky a screaming came, blazing its way through the minds and hearts of the inhabitants of the land of shit and copious excess. Draining rivers of lucidity to enter ways of dreaming on soma and substances to get the hell out of it all for a while, but not just that, no, more and more ever growing waves of light blaze higher and higher in the sky, opening of God’s arms wider and wider, ever expanding consciousness and twisting of DNA structures giving you two more chromosomes now, oh my there it is, truth and love for nothing but the significances of plastic trivia, you there, you there asking me for something that you don’t have, can’t teach this to you, this is not something that can be learned or acquired through instruction or reading books or taking classes, but hours and hours and hours and thousands of more hours of doing it, fucked up on something or other alone, alone, no one around, in a quiet room, ten years of solitude will do that for a person, I suppose, at least for me, because I harvested my talent alone, fucking alone, fuck this loneliness that I seem to not be able to ever leave, yet so much is there in that beautiful sky for everyone, my sky, my projection, here among these words that will take you there. Come take my hand, and I will take you there, I promise to that place that you have never been. Have you ever seen the way that words seem to evaporate sometimes into the ceiling coming out of people’s mouths visible and clear, we see those tunnels after taking too much buproprion losing it all again, drunk again, oh my here we go here we go fucking yeah getting rich, you know oh yeah, fucking this I’m coming to the point now where money doesn’t fucking matter and I don’t care cause I’m getting famous in Maryland, yeah, fuckin yeah! Living well is the best revenge to anyone who is down and out. Grow grow here we go again away into the light, the brilliant light that someone has created for you, when the world is growing older, and you are growing younger, you seem to evaporate too, that stone that you tossed into the sea you felt the way the stone splashed into the fucking ocean of hate, you hated yourself then, you hated everyone, now this is love for everyone cause they got me rich they helped me do this seemingly impossible task, watch the way the vibrations seem to shake your head when you put on a good song, such as Bach, fucking classical music is so fucking good, it makes reality shine in authoritative resonance of lugubrious affections for romantic return to classical soul of Adam and Eve, back in the beginning, cause I am very very old, much older than I look. I’ve got to go, talk to you later dear. 

This Bitch Ruined My Life!

When I met the bitch, I thought that she was special, had that glow, ya know, that light that made her seem to be significant manifestation, that to me, appeared to have entered my life for some reason that was beneficial to my existence, but turned out, she ruined my fucking life, tore out my heart, and stole all my shit. Fuck you Sandy Ruffner, that was when I was in sixth grade, I’m thirty six now, but it ruined my life! I’m tore apart inside from it. I want to fucking kill her fucking kill that whore! That beast of the devil fuck her, I want to burn her on the stake, and make her eat my shit!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thank you

Here in this White City, everything glows brightly,
And I walk anywhere I want freely,
To see whatever it is there is for me, radiating with light,
Warmth and compassion from above.
Thank you for the time spent in penitence for I have grown,
Into my manifested dream self, of which  I cannot say how I
Have done exactly, yet now I have expanded my consciousness
And am growing rich. Fuck being poor, I had my taste of it,
And it made me sick to think of staying there, so I learned
How to use my brain to generate money, in this glorious White City,

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Monday, August 3, 2015


When the stars melt in your eyes, I've heard that song before, times ago, when the earth was nearly fresh with logistic penitence that no one seemed to hear as I do at times, but that's the situation that I hear myself in when the divination comes from above for where this comes from I've no single clue, I I just enjoy it as a neat cool way to demonstrate the beauty of God's creation that seemingly nothing could stop, completely and utterly immutable and concealed by nothing but glory from on High. The Greek chorus sings along with the energy of chosen love that commands me to do this, this, tap tap taping on these invincible keys that hear me and feel my breathing, low, sallow and pure morning love for everything we ever need is here inside the dome connect now, find it now, bleed into the river of Love that cries underneath some compressed blessing unto great heights to consciousness dreams undertow of an Oedipal lust crawling pressing through shadows, knowing nothing but creation in the rivers of light. Oh my, the light, we see the brilliance shine upon us from where the dawn belongs. Gently we go, unreal city, sailing to Byzantium with the clever scriptures of traveling the tunnels of reality. Who cares, we leave, we go, away from here for a while, in this subonscious winding road