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Monday, August 3, 2015


When the stars melt in your eyes, I've heard that song before, times ago, when the earth was nearly fresh with logistic penitence that no one seemed to hear as I do at times, but that's the situation that I hear myself in when the divination comes from above for where this comes from I've no single clue, I I just enjoy it as a neat cool way to demonstrate the beauty of God's creation that seemingly nothing could stop, completely and utterly immutable and concealed by nothing but glory from on High. The Greek chorus sings along with the energy of chosen love that commands me to do this, this, tap tap taping on these invincible keys that hear me and feel my breathing, low, sallow and pure morning love for everything we ever need is here inside the dome connect now, find it now, bleed into the river of Love that cries underneath some compressed blessing unto great heights to consciousness dreams undertow of an Oedipal lust crawling pressing through shadows, knowing nothing but creation in the rivers of light. Oh my, the light, we see the brilliance shine upon us from where the dawn belongs. Gently we go, unreal city, sailing to Byzantium with the clever scriptures of traveling the tunnels of reality. Who cares, we leave, we go, away from here for a while, in this subonscious winding road

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