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Sunday, August 24, 2014

After the Shadows

We lay, staring up at the brilliant stars,

Which shone in divine prescience,

Of what is to come-cosmic opportunities,

Possibilities, I close my eyes to see it all,

The glory of the future, our future, together,

Underneath Heavens dome, terraforming the world,

Through subconscious projection, of a better place,

A harmonious Universe, where the sweetness of equality reign,

And everyone has the chance for greatness, not just a few-but,

Everyone who understands and practices the laws of karma, and

Appreciates creation, generation, pain, sorrow, and embraces everything—

A supernova explosion of  lucidity, unequivocal clarity, where all is revealed,

One by one, harvesting the fruits of their labor, their effort to make a difference,

Even against the adversity and opposition of the majority.

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