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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Love, and my demons



                I suppose I should confess, I am not as crazy as some may believe, in fact, my altered sense of consensus reality is advantageous in many, many ways. For instance, I am not restricted to any one particular belief system, or general opinion of what is “real,” instead, I make up my world in my head, project my subconscious upon the world, and live in that. Quite simply, “objective” reality, is all what you want it to be. Measurable reality, I essentially inside one’s mind. The Universe itself is in  this head of mine, and I go where I want, see who I please, and fuck whoever I want. You may think of me as your resident demon, or something like that. I am mad, sure, bi-polar to the max, but people like myself are the ones who make the world go round. I’m the kind of person who walks around town with a smile on his face. There I a valid reason for this grin, you see, I’ve got something all to my own. I’ve got my imagination, and just a Mozart said, love, love is the soul of genius.

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