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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Extra Shit

One of the most extraordinarily irritating things about possessing a high level of intelligence is the visible lack of logic the vast majority of humans behavior, such as, the other day, I was sitting on my porch, smoking  a cigarette, and drinking a glass of tap water, when some guy that I had met once before, came up to me and asked me if I had a dollar to buy a bottle of water, because, he had “forgotten his food stamp card,” at his house, which was a block away—a mere block down the fucking street.  First of all, I very well may have given him that dollar, had he not immediately proceeded to tell me that it was because he was too lazy to get his public assistance card at his house, a couple feet down the street. That, my friend, was illogical. I mean, I make around seven hundred dollars a week, and I don’t mind tap water at all. In fact, I don’t consider having enough money to buy bottled water. I guess, I should have given him five dollars to buy really good bottle of Perrier, now, my friend, that’s some good shit, a bottle of water of quality analogous to his apparent self-concept. Then he asked me for an extra cigarette. Fortunately, I had an extra Newport, which I made from my extra cigarette machine that I bought with my extra money. Hey, I may be crazy, but at least I don’t believe in the existence of anything such as extra dollars, or extra cigarettes, you know? Every pack of cigarette pack that I have ever bought has had exactly twenty cigarettes, no more, no less. If I would someday actually purchase a pack of cigarettes with more than twenty in it, well, I would consider that to be a freak anomaly and I would frame the fucker.  It seems to me that world is composed of two types of people: givers, or “generators” and takers, or “consumers.” The ones generate things are in actually, the slim minority, while the consumers, are the majority. Those who create energy are the ones with the “extra” cigarettes, because, apparently, they have an extra cigarette machine, which they purchase with their extra money. That money, of course, is from an extra, um, “terrestrial” place, apparently. I have not yet identified why some people generate more than others, but I have an idea. I believe it is a choice. If you want to make money, you can, all with the power of thought.  Conscious thoughts, especially positive ones, have a tremendous effect upon physical reality. Yes, since reality is mostly subjective interpretation of external stimuli, it all depends on how one interprets that reality, and, there is direct correlation between positive thoughts, and living a wealthy life. Having wealth is not really about having money; it is about having a sense of wellness, and satisfaction, in the give and take of karma and energy. The more you give, the more you receive. I’ve found that out.  You see, I have given so much away in the past three years, without any expectation of it ever being reciprocated to me, but even though, I did not get exactly what I gave, I received good fortune for doing so. I guess it was rewarded to me for being selfless.  I sometimes consider myself to be a cosmic entity, an empty shell that universal energy flows through. And the true nature of the Universe is one of kind harmony, which is why I do things to help other people. Spirituality is a very important thing to me, and I would like to evolve into the highest form of person I am about to be. Do the evolution, baby. 

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